giovedì 5 marzo 2020

Thomas Beauchamp

Thomas Beauchamp

Questo cavaliere è ripreso durante la rincorsa in uno dei tanti tornei in cui si dilettavano nel Medioevo i più nobili cavalieri d'Europa. Dall'araldica si tratta di Sir Thomas Beauchamp Earl of Warwick, un conte che partecipò sia alla campagna di Crecy sia a quella di Poiters. In nessuna delle due occasioni fu fatto prigioniero o riportò ferite. La complessità dell'araldica che viene ripetuta sia sulla coverta del cavallo sia sul cavaliere, mi ha spronato a sceglierlo.
Spero vi piaccia.
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Thomas Beauchamp

This knight is immortalized during the run-up in one of the many tournaments in which the noblest knights of Europe used to enjoy in the Middle Ages. According to his heraldry, he should be Sir Thomas Beauchamp Earl of Warwick, who took part both to Crécy campaign and to the Poitiers one. In none of this two events he was taken prisoner or was wounded. I was spurred on choosing him by the complexity of his heraldry which is repeated and on the cover of the horse and on the knight.
I hope you’ll love it.
Should you need further info, please feel free to contact me at davidesimeoni.64 at

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